Monday, December 20, 2004

Canon Pro Shutterbug Event 3...

I was at the Canon Shutterbug Event last sunday. Canon was releasing the EOS 1Ds Mk2 this time round, the successor of the historical full frame EOS 1Ds, and this is infact a magnificient body... at a magnificient price... at a RRP of SGD$14k and street price of SGD$12k...
Insert from "The EOS-1Ds Mark II is the sixteen (point seven) megapixel successor to the EOS-1Ds which was announced almost exactly two years earlier. Carrying on from the EOS-1Ds the Mark II has a full size 35 mm (36 x 24 mm) sensor which means it introduces no field-of-view crop, an 18 mm lens on this camera will provide exactly the same field-of-view as it would on a 35 mm film camera. At first glance it's clear to see that Canon has stuck (as they did with the EOS-1D Mark II) with the same body and control layout. The timing of the EOS-1Ds Mark II's announcement was interesting if not totally surprising coming just five days after Nikon announced the twelve (point four) megapixel D2X, the megapixel one-up-man-ship continues." Well, I manage to get my hands on a preview copy on the event itself, and was able to use it for a couple of minutes. If there was only one word to describe, just "Breathless" would do appropriately... the 1Ds Mk2 couple with the 70-200 F2.8L was just perfect. Having a full frame sensor on a 70-200 range was perfect, as oppose to the 1.6x crop sensor of the 300D, 10D and 20D, the crop/magnification factor on 70mm would make 70 x 1.6 = 112mm, too much tele for portriats... now... if money were grew from trees... and sat on a vast just on my table... (will someone snap me outta it?...)

Canon Pro ShutterBug Event 3 - 19.12.04


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