Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Dreaded March, seems so harsh...

March. Nothing particulary special to us normal people who drag our days through the regular 5 days work week, no it's not spring either cos it's forever summer here in singapore. No nothing to do with us code monkeys either, but the effect somehow escalate... *Sigh*...

March, is the the deadline most company have to spend their previous year budget. Tones and buns of project are rushing to wrap up before then so they can bill the customer. Project managers are jumping all around with a wip in their hands pressing us to work harder... *sign*... it's just a terrible month for us tormented salaried level...

Nothing much had been happening around me except the regular workdays. Meet up with an old friend who I haven't seen for 10 years and had a really good chat flashing back all those memories of yester-years. Than brings back the time when we were in this BMX frenzy. Times when us whole gang of BMX Bikers invade the streets before dawn, jumping ups and down road bumps and side walk, spining our bikes with all the freestyle moves we have, and towards the rise of the sun when cars slowly reclaim back their road, we hit the coffee shop for a early breakfast... those were the days...


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